For over sixty-five years, Paul Mueller Company has earned distinction for delivering outstanding equipment and unique solutions to the process industries.

About Mueller

Mueller has the technical expertise, innovative engineering, and manufacturing resources to implement a process system specific to your needs.

At Paul Mueller Company we are united by a belief that the only quality that matters is quality that works for life. With every piece of processing equipment we build, our goal is to have lasting impact. From solar milk coolers in rural Africa, to lifesaving medical technology we are making an impact across the globe.

Paul Mueller Company is headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A., and was established in 1940, with additional manufacturing and sales operations located in Osceola, Iowa, Groenlo (pictured left), Netherlands, and Vietnam.

For more information go to the Mueller website

Mueller Gasketed Plate Cooler

Compact Chiller Unit


Film Chiller

Condensing Unit